What I am celebrating

I had many posts done in my head regarding the past week.  I went through so many emotions; they now are jumbled. Today, it seems like tired news to discuss the inauguration.   So, I will approach it from another perspective.  I wanted to celebrate the peaceful transfer of power.  As I watched the Bush family shake hands with the Obamas, I was struck by how easy it was.  They kissed, shook hands and then, one of the most powerful nations on earth continued its daily workings.  However strongly some may feel the two parties divide, when one gazes upon the many political unities which are on this earth, our two parties have many similarities.  Both believe in one elected president and elected congress. We have term limits--not lifetime rulers. We all believe in separation of powers and in the constitution. We all believe in a democracy for heaven's sakes!  Our country does not careen between a variety of concepts in government every few years.  We all know what to expect. We do not live in a country where several factions glom together to form some weak agreement as to how things should be done.  
As I watched the sober face of President Obama ponder the responsibility which lies before him, I was glad for peaceful power, the constant opportunity for change and a charge to give my best efforts to strengthen my country.  Surely, these musings are a freshman analysis of politics.  I would never boast to know these things on an academic level.  However, I did want to share some of my personal celebrations regarding recent events.


Scott-n-Allison said…
It made me teary to watch Carter, Daddy Bush, the Clintons and then President Bush followed by Obama...all talking and laughing and supporting. I love my country!
Anonymous said…
Nice post Kate. Love ya!

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