I don't need no stinking Oil of Olay

A while ago, we went to the Twilight movie. Yeah, sure this is old news.  But the honest truth is, I was so relieved to NOT be attracted to the Edward character. I worried that these vampire romance books would cause me to fall in love with a teenager on screen.  I'm not ready for a creepy "The Graduate" kind of vibe. So, during the opening days of the movie, I would see all of these women in the sequined, yes-I-am-still-hot-shirts and I thought to myself, sheesh who are they trying to attract? I am not really ready for the cougar stage of my life. Yup, I know I'm getting there. But, instead, I finally saw a movie with Patrick Dempsey. Nope, I don't see his weekly show.  But, I'm happy to say he is hot and my age.  No, I am not jonesing to BE with him.  I'm just relieved to be in my current decade and have a crush on a movie star my age--see how grounded I am?


Erin said…
I was happy to be most attracted to Carlisle in Twilight for the same reasons!
Anonymous said…
So, everybody our age has those little crow feet? Graham asked me the other day what those lines on my forehead were . . .
Julie said…
I loved Enchanted because Patrick Dempsey was in it.

I loved Twilight, but felt like you did. Like I need to be lusting over guys just a few years older than my KIDS!

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