Those words were at the top of a small, pink slip from my doctor's office.  The following note was attached :  "Unexpected billing system requirements and delays in filing claims with health insurances have caused a major delay in you receiving your statement....We sincerely apologize for any inconvenience this may have caused.''  

Translation:  We don't know how to use our new computer system. Neither does the IT guy.  We were kind of behind filing the claims.  But there is not a darn thing you can do about it any way. So, enjoy.

Wouldn't you love to be able to send notes like that?  I would love to write back: Dear health provider,  I lost my check book again, yes for the third time and I stuck my credit card in a pair of jeans...I just can't remember which ones.  In addition, an opportunity to take a trip of a lifetime to Cancun came up.   I sincerely apologize for the delay in payment and any  inconvenience this may cause.  

We have had our share of expensive tests and ICU experiences.  We once received a bill, with a total of $59,000 due in 15 days! We did get it sorted out.  I always wondered if the person stuffing the envelopes even hesitated a moment on that.  We are timely with our bills even when they have been $6,000.  I  just think it would be nice if they extended the courtesy both directions.


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