Joys and Sorrows of Mail

With the advent of email, the joyous walk to the mailbox has been replaced by a shuffle for bills. As much as I appreciate the ability to easily connect within anyone in the world, the personal touch of mail has been lost. No longer do I get to see handwriting or mistakes or an individual choice of stamps. Instead, I get flyers and coupons. Hence, Christmas is a particularly festive time of notes from loved ones. I do a small skip to the box each afternoon.

My husband and I know a family who sends sarcastic, witty Christmas letters. They actually cause us to read it more than once. This year, I saw the address and shouted to my husband "We have THE letter!" We gleefully sat down to read it together. I ripped it open and we settled down for laughter. It was a poem. It told us of how they were doing. The other spouse wrote it. Sigh. I don't think we finished it. Normally, I do read these kind of letters. We just felt so let down. I confess I don't write clever letters like that. So, the reaction seems a bit strong. Honestly, I hope there is a return to good form next year. Despite that, if you are feeling a need to have a Christmas letter, I can send you one. The picture is silly but the letter is normal. Enjoy your mail!


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