On a snowy morning

On a snowy morning, I sat my kids down to see this, (sound seems a bit delayed):

I clearly remember waiting for the radio to play this song. We would sit in the car and hope it would come on. This video is still my favorite Christmas message. Then, I was in the zenith of my young- teen- MTV-watching career. Every singer was a favorite and sooo cute. There you will find that Bono is young and hot. Boy George is funky before he channeled all the crazy. George Michael still looks sexy and innocent...well mostly. Simon Le Bon growls his lines and it is a fun tune. Bananarama, Paul Young and Spandeau Ballet are all there. The men display their full-color hair with eye make-up. (My daughter remarked the men look like girls/ the girls like boys. Bananarama was doing grunge before it was cool.) The bangs, tousled hair and glam of the 80s are delightful. They re-did the song recently. The newer version includes Cold Play and Natasha Bedingfield. Amy Winehouse is missing from it. Yet, the fact remains: music from the U.K. still is the best. We have danced to the tune and now we are going to gather some food and old jackets for the shelters! I love it when the 80s inspire my kids.


Blondie said…
Love it! Love it! Love it!
Thanks for posting this. It is still one of my favorite songs of all time.

But I just gotta say: That is some serious hair!

. . .oh, and young Sting is yummy.
Serenity Rachel said…
I never realized who sang this song. Too fun! It reminded me of "We Are the World" and of participating in Hands Across America in 1986 when I was 10.
mindy said…
Yes, let the 80's inspire everyone, but keep it out of the elevators (now that makes me feel old)! The newer versions just don't seem to have the same feel---I think it was the hairstyles? Ahhh, the good ole days:)
Julie said…
I love this! I so remember when this came out. I showed it to my kids and laughed at me when I knew most everyone singing.
Carolyn said…
I came to the comments to mention Sting and his yumminess, but Blondie beat me to it. Today Sting is still my favorite of all these performers.

What struck me more than anything else on viewing this video is how YOUNG they all look. When this came out, they all seemed so old and mature to me. Now they seem like a bunch of punk (although highly talented) kids.

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