Sometimes you get what you want---oops

Years ago, I used to love a local radio program called the Chunga Show. My husband and I listened to it as we drove to our early morning jobs. It made the dark 6 am drive bearable. We thought we would be friends with him if we were to meet him. Music was new, edgy or entertaining. As time went on, the show morphed until I found myself not enjoying his personality. He became a strange parody of himself. The conversation was self-indulgent with plenty of name dropping. The music became predictable. Commercially driven. Eventually, I thought it would be better if he left the show. He was fired yesterday. At first, to my embarrassment, I found myself grinning. "Now, we will have some change!".
However, the result was automated music. Tunes are picked by lists and corporations. Naturally the model will base itself on what is commercially safe. There will be no local flavor on politics or news. Instead, the dial, already lacking in diversity, grew more uniform. At first, globalization sounds positive. We will be the same--people joining hands all across the world being united. However, our "connected" world continues to shrink anything of interest on the local landscape. Whenever my husband travels he will tell what it is like where he is. "Guess what? I am by an Old Navy, Home Depot, Barnes & Noble or whatever national corporation." I want the days of local flavor and change. So, I learned. Be careful what you wish for--you just might get what you don't need.


Anonymous said…
I'm do have a great npr station in salt lake though. I think of you when I am listening to a classic r&b station here. you would dig it. they have funk at 5 right when things are bonkers at home and i need a pick up. maybe you can get it on your computer?

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