I want my five bucks!

My daughter didn't want to put away her clothes. I told her I would do it for her if she paid me five bucks. She immediately got her birthday money and the deal was sealed. The thoughts/questions go through my head:

Oops, that wasn't what I expected. I have those oops moments more than I would like to admit.

Am I cheap labor?

Does my daughter not get the value of money?

Did she learn anything?!!!

What a bum. Come on girl, what are you going to be like when you are a teenager?

Oh well.... that money will go towards my more expensive hair products that make me feel guilty.


Jason said…
Ha, ha! Too funny. Parenting is not for wimps I tell ya.This is Jen BTW but I am too lazy to log in again...maybe I would if someone paid me five bucks.
mindy said…
hmmm, I think I could actually enjoy folding and putting away my children's laundry if I was getting paid! I think you're onto something...
Lisa said…
Take the money and run! Don't question it!
Katydid said…
As I finale to the whole escapade. I didn't do it time. She fired me and did it herself. I didn't plan it, but it worked.
or pay Isaac or Gaby to do it?

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