Burqas are the best

My three-year-old excitedly showed me her hand-out from Sunday School. Usually it is a bird, bug or cute picture of Jesus. When she showed me her super-hero, lavender all-over covered action figure, I was startled with some amusement. What exactly are they teaching my daughter at church? We support burqas as long as they are feminine? We believe a woman can wear a sword as long as she covers her face? We would like to force women back a few centuries? I am not the type to make an impertinent phone call and say "my daughter....." But really what was the lesson?


Michelle S.J. said…
I'm living in the land of Burqas and Abayas....I'd love to see something in lavender instead of black, black, black all the time.

This is your old friend Slocombe living in Saudi Arabia.
Anonymous said…
How can you not ask? I would be DYING to know what they learned in class!!!! xo If you do, please share. I would love to know. (Plus, who spends so much money on a hand out for sunbeams???)
moma sneddon said…
I totally agree with Jen's comments!
Katydid said…
The teacher is new and young--getting back into things. I haven't asked because I can be ruder than intend to be.

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