Arrrggg, the curse, the curse

There are tales out there of spacey pregnant women. Science even backs the notion a pregnant woman's brain loses some power. Oy! I have been losing stuff to the point of crazy. I'm ready to throw until I find everything. Step back-- it could get ugly. I really want that home where it is like an Ikea closet. You open the doors and it has labels, links and matching containers. Each time I go the Ikea or Pottery Barn site, I believe brother! My husband reminds me that baskets will not solve the world's problems. I'm not sure. For now my missing in action list is pathetic and long. It includes:
  • book bag for the library--I love the library this is serious
  • beautiful, green leather scriptures my husband just bought me
  • wedding ring (this sounds bad, left low by the lotion bottle). Sadly, we really can't find it.
  • silver pendant which was a gift from my MIL--it slipped off my neck, I'm sensing a theme
  • a DVD I rented and never saw
  • numerous small things like sandals or such

Honestly, it was comical when I discovered the necklace was missing. I was ready to laugh or weep. I'm pretty sure I have a black hole or gremlin in the house. I thought I was sort of together...clearly not. You would think I should be on some intervention for clutter on the Oprah show. I swear it doesn't look that bad. However, I feel that bad. My perception of myself "keeping it together" is low. I'm ready to throw everything but the most necessary of items. So, my husband is off for two business trips in the next while. This leads me to a fantasy of sorts. I can get it back baby. I'm sure I am fooling myself. But, I'm excited for the challenge. It is either that or eating bon-bons and checking out the new fall season of shows. Hmmmmmm.


mindy said…
I vote you get out the t.v. guide. You won't be pregnant forever.
M+J=K3+E said…
Go for the bon-bons and new shows. You can never go wrong there. As for the memory, I think it gets worse with each kid. Mine is practically all gone!
Julie Ramsay said…
I used to be able to organize my whole house and I could find ANYTHING that challenged me...then add a couple more kids and my house is a black hole...bring on the books, chocolates and tv!
Anonymous said…
Love the pic! Maybe when I am retired and my kids LONG gone something in my house will look like that. I once "misplaced" some diamond earrings. Because I have lost 2 actual wedding rings, well one and a replacement, I didn't tell Jason. Just looked frantically for a week or so. Finally a 3 year old Grace showed me where she had put my earrings, "So you won't loose them Mom". Exact words. Maybe one of your sweet children is just being really helpful.
Quinn said…
I am consoled to hear that, that picture is not from your house. I wish too, that it were mine. However, I am not so bad in the losing things department - for me it the appointments. I have actually been called in the morning by a Dr's office to remind me of my appointment that afternoon and then forgot the appointment anyway - how embarrassing! Today I forgot to send my kid to tennis practice - not as if this hasn't been a regular appointment now for about 6 months, but all of a sudden, it's wiped from my memory. And my AMAZING calendar that has every appointment with reminders, addresses and instructions etc. is no help if I don't look at it because I THINK I have everything under control. And I'm not even close to pregnant - I wish you MUCH luck!

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