Small Girls' Solace

We took a family vacation to Zion National Park.  I learned lots of things. My children can play well together when they have to do so. They don't need lots of toys/electronics. Eating junk food for a week will not kill you. Teaching kids the joy of hiking requires patience and love. Road trips can still be full of singing, laughing, I-spy-with-my-little-eye,"kids did you see that?" and just a little fighting to make you feel normal.  As I walked along the hikes with a cross-section of America, I observed something.  (If you are large breasted, you may want to skip this. This is the title portion of the piece.)  The enormous typical middle-aged/older woman has got a lot of "girls" to carry around.  As I looked at the pull of gravity and the need for super bras, I thought to myself, maybe it is just right to be small.  For years, I have lamented my dresses that sagged and my swimsuits that gaped.  However, I did not want to be those women trucking those things along.  What a pain! It would take an act of God to make me droop. And no, don't wish that on me.  If puberty and my flat twenties were painful, don't I deserve gravity defying middle-age?


M+J=K3+E said…
I try to tell Lisa there is a thing as too much! Believe me!! But then again, it always seems greener on the other side right :)
Anonymous said…
Gravity has no mercy! Try finding a swimsuit that has a bra built in and comes in small sizes. Yeah for Zions and family hiking-always an adventure and sometimes even fun!

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