Midnight Worries

Lots of things swirl in my head. They are all of various sizes.  I worry if I buy products that aren't organic, but I am a budget freak.  I worry about too much plastic packaging.  I worry about offending people. I worry which economist is correct. I worry I don't read enough international news.   I worry I may have to start totally dying my hair.   I worry my daughter is becoming a tween soon.  But really, I worry about the state of pop culture. Mock me if you want.  However, let me give you something to think about.  Star Trek pushed the "reset" button with its new venture.  Wolverine was an attempt to reset. Batman has been reset.  Terminator is attempting this as well.  Battle Star Galactica was reset.  The geek in me is worried, very worried. Is this where we are? FREAKING RESET? 
Yes, why am I so emotional? First of all, it is safer to get worked up over movies than to examine the stock market.  Secondly, I love creativity. I am worried we are in a morass of re-made tv shows and movies. I am concerned that pop music is not going to evolve. I worry we are going to keep borrowing from the Brits (see The Office, American Idol or Dancing with the Stars).  I want a future of the unexpected for my children. I do most truly hope they will find music to annoy me.    They will find their own books and movies to inspire.  I hope they don't just come home with tales of  triple resets movies or tv shows.  

See, this is much better than worrying about the swirl of reality. But, just to buck the trend I'll go read the current news section.


mindy said…
That's funny---I was just talking to my daughter about the same thing last night. We were in the car and every new song on the radio had a theme or chorus with an old song in it. Why? They aren't creative enough to write their own song? It's very strange this whole re-using old stuff. Been there, done that, I want it new---FRESH--different!
Anonymous said…
Love the post Kate! Thanks for the laughs and the insight, you are right I am afraid. At least with SciFi movies. Love ya!

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