Past, Present and Future Collide

Many years ago, I couldn't dance to save my life or really impress anyone.  My older brother tried his hardest to help me find a beat at dances.  I still struggle to find that cool down beat.  If you have seen Eddie Murphy dance like "white people" that would be me.  Years later, I was trying to help my daughter get ready for a Christmas duet.  As I helped her find her pitch, I noticed my husband chuckling in the corner.  Finally, I whipped around to ask him what his problem was. He observed I always knew my daughter was off pitch.  However, I was consistently a half-step too low.  He is not being cruel-- this is not the first time I have heard about this problem.  It was like I was calibrated wrongly at birth.  That Sunday I thought to myself think higher, think higher.  I confidently plopped myself by him and sang "high".  I smiled and said, "well?"  "Still flat." Uggggg.  
You see,  I have a secret dark list of things I never want to do because they put me in such a state of discomfort.  This is where the past and present collide the with future.  I have been asked to be music conductor/director for all the children at church.  I have only had 3 midnight panic attacks; that should be a good omen for the future.  I'd rather give a series of public speeches or perform a skit than be a music/choir person.  Are you kidding me?  Sometimes I think God thinks "you know you have skated long enough, let's give you something that will make you know who is in charge."  Ahhh, good times. 


Anonymous said…
Wow...and wow! I think you will be great. What a change on Sundays though.
Mary Morris said…
So how did it go on Sunday? It's a good thing that children can be the most forgiving, forgetful, and nonjudgmental group. (At least that's what I tell myself when I teach Sharing Time.)
April said…
Depeche Mode has a song where they sing, "I dont want to start any blasphemous rumours
But I think that gods got a sick sense of humor
And when I die I expect to find him laughing"
Sometimes we have to learn from the things that are most uncomfortable.
I know I am. But I do it with laughter.
Scott-n-Allison said…
You will L.O.V.E. being chorister. I had to have a serious attitude check when they called me...I'll tell you about it some time. And after three years of being chorister, they called me to be the stake primary music specialist. It's not cause I do a good job...I just LOVE the calling and the spirit I feel with it.

Pretty soon, you'll forget that there are adults watching you, and you and kids will have such a great time. Remember we are not called to perform, we are called to serve.

Besides, if anyone thinks they can do it better, they are welcome to try!
Serenity Rachel said…
Primary music is one of my favorite callings! They will love your silliness, Kate. I am now our ward music chairperson which means I plan all the special musical numbers--this is my hate/fear--asking other people to do things. I would seriously rather give a talk or sing myself every week than have to ask/beg other people to perform. I seriously get butterflies every time I have to pick up the phone.

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