
This is gratitude month, so here is my perspective.   After a few days of not being able to read, write or use the computer, I complained about it to my in-laws.  All my sweet mother-in-law said was "I hear you."  Yeah, I bet she hears me loud and clear.  Although we rejoice in her recovery from ovarian cancer, the aggressive chemo has left her with neuropathy.  A YEAR later, and she can't write much, use the computer or wear her great shoes.  (She had great shoes. She gave them away.) This condition creates hands and feet that don't quite work they way you want them to.  They have very little feeling in them.  So, even things like walking, reading, writing or eating are difficult.  I am sure the list is much longer. I wouldn't know  because she never complains about the permanent altering of her life.  She just says, "I hear you."  Yeah, I thought, I should do some more "I'm listening." 


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