My Ever Changing Moods

Last night, we held our closing ceremonies by turning off our over-head projector which has been on for two straight weeks. I'm feeling a lack of celebration and awe right now. So, I will give some of my highlights/observations.


A cheer to Michael Phelps for doing the impossible and really winning all those races. It really lived to its pre-race hype. He was bullied and raised by a single mom. Yet, he became a legend in one week.
A cheer to Natalie du Toit for swimming 6, yes 6!, miles in open water with only one leg.
A cheer to Nastia Liukin for being graceful, elegant, and showing her composure during that funky tie event.
A cheer to Shawn Johnson for her cheer and indomitable spirit.
A cheer to third place finisher, David Neville, for diving for a bronze in the men's 400 and being thrilled about it. It reminded me all about attitude.
A cheer to Dara Torres for being classy and waiting for a stalled competitor.


A tear for the sobbing almost medalist in men's gymnastics. It would have been a first for Brazil and I felt devastated for him.
A tear for Lolo who was a gold favorite in the 110 hurdles and tripped in the final part. She gave a peppy interview only to be shown quietly sobbing a few minutes later.
A lot of tears for Shawn Johnson's parents. After she won the gold, they held each other and sobbed. All of the debt, doubt and worry had finally been answered. I cried with them.
I cried as I watched Nastia and her father cry together. What are you a robot? Two lifetimes of dreams and work were validated!


A jeer for Jeremy Wariner for being such a bad sport after getting a silver for heaven's sake. (See above regarding his third place teammate.)
A jeer for the judo guy from Cuba for kicking the ref.
A jeer for Usain Bolt for being so cocky at the finish of the 100. Yes, he was amazing and silly. But he was celebrating BEFORE the finish in a 100.
Any tears, cheers or jeers we should add?


Sarah said…
Jeer for me Dzhakhon Kurbanov who bit his opponent in a boxing match.
Blondie said…
Cheer for USA men's volleyball for getting the gold in the wake of horrible tragedy.
Blondie said…
Oh and one more.

Cheer for the the guy from Afghanistan who won the county's first ever Olympic medal when he earned the bronze in Tae Kwon Do.

Totally historic!
Scott-n-Allison said…
So I know it's pessimistic, but I'm just waiting for some steroid story to come out on Michael Phelps. He's too good!

I wish we could have watched more than we did, but what we did watch was sure fun!
Anonymous said…
Huge cheer for the Lopez family. 2 brothers and a sister, all medaled in Tea kwon do. They are coached by their older brother, parents are immigrants from Argentina. They started training in their garage.

Also Shelane Flanagan in the women's 10000. Was overjoyed at winning the bronze.

I love the Olympics!

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