She works hard for the money.

Between family reunions, Breaking Dawn, Parade of Homes and the Olympics, I am experiencing a hang-over of monstrous proportions. I might return to my thoughts on Breaking Dawn later. I just wanted to make a big shout-out to all of the amazing women who are over 30 in the Olympics. We have Dara Torres the 41-year-old swimming hero, a 33-year-old vaulter from Germany, a 38-year-old mom winning the marathon and finally a 35-year-old making the finals in the open 800. Not only did these women qualify for the Olympics, they finished with medals. Hurray! Ladies, a new era has dawned. Find your dream and do it. Time and age are being redefined. These women are real mothers who have made real amazing goals. This is way better than any botox beauty in people magazine. Life is meant to be lived the entire time and not just the first twenty years. Man, I am inspired. Can you tell I am getting older this year?


Anonymous said…
Yeah for the Olympics! I can never get enough.
Mary Morris said…
When we saw Dara Torres on TV, I told Luke that I bet she Kate's hero. And I thought a bit, and said maybe she's mine, too. Not only was she willful and goal-oriented, but she was just plain, good old-fashioned nice.

Sometimes I wonder about the value of television in the home (beyond PBS), but then the olympics come around and my TV is on every night.
Blondie said…
I absolutely love that there are Olympians who are mothers. I teared up as I watched the end of the marathon. It was awesome!

PS: They extra splashy toilet I referred to on my blog was one I encountered in Nebraska! It was at the Strategic Air Command Museum, maybe you've been there.
Scott-n-Allison said…
So glad you stopped by and said hi! Your blog is the latest and greatest on my excuses of creative avoidance...and you're worth it! Can't wait to catch up on all that you're doing!

Dana Torres is HOT!

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