I've been tagged....multiple times

Two lovely people have tagged me. I didn't know one could get busted multiple times. Because one is my sister, I really have no new random facts to share besides her list. Anyhoo:

1. I still think I haven't found the sport that will perfectly mesh with me and land me in the Olympics. (ideas anyone?)

2. Although I would like to think of myself as a great intellect, the kind with radical ideas and who attend liberal universities, I'm not. My grades were not great and my grammar is lacking. I don't like Opera. I can't seem to read poetry for enjoyment and I really like People magazine.

3. I dream of climbing Mount Everest. However, I am afraid of heights and get cold easily.

4. I still adore reading a book in one delicious sitting. I have 3 kids, it's more of a fantasy really. But, I adore the concept of lying in bed and reading until 3 am. I do it once a year and generally regret it the next day.

5. I am a "boob-man". I would get them if I weren't afraid of infection or looking like Posh Spice.

6. I would love to be compulsive about cleaning--really. I just always find time wasters like books and the internet, oh and my kids:) I imagine I am the master of my house. I am not.


Mary Morris said…
I laughed outloud about the "boob man" comment. I'm having a hard time imagining any of my sisters (myself included) with a job. It just makes me laugh.

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