Going Postal

As I stood in line at the post office, I wondered if my life could follow the same rules.

1. If I am not "ready" for my work I can simply place a sign in front of me that reads Next Window.

2. Although people are lined up to the door and it is quite busy, I can take my lunch break because it is time.

3. My job would have very specific hours and days.

4. I could wear a uniform every day and stop debating what would not emphasize the fact my body is sliding to 40.

5. I would solve one problem at a time by yelling "next!"

6. Instead of being a snoop, I could ask everyone personal questions about the contents of their packages.

7. I when I have a bad day, I am simply going postal.

However, I bet no one, after the purchase of stamps and bubble wrap, holds a postal clerk's hand and tells them they love them. Hmmm, guess I won't quit my day job.


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