Looking for my 80-year- old advisor

My brother sent this picture around to my family last night. He then explained it was how I (me) would look if I had been raised by red-necks. After a tired week of kids, I got a big horse laugh from it. Some family members were concerned I would be hurt by it. But, if you knew me in my glory of youth, I did have a mangy beast of crazy hair. One friend called it a brillo pad. The look was complete with glasses and braces. Yes, I did bring science fiction novels to dances. Bring on the jabs of my looks a long time ago! I earned it. Thank heavens you can have a good chuckle at your past. It makes me feel a little more mellow and self-confident. If only my 40 year-old-self could come talk to me as I stood against the wall at dances. Now, I just need the 80 year-old -me to laugh at my 40 year-old and to remind her to get over the small stuff and take each day easy.


Michelle S.J. said…
Oh too true Kate. I think my 80 year old self will really be missing the days of my 19 monther climbing everything in sight, and other demands of a mother's life with small children. Then again I don't ever want to go back to middle or high school glad I survived it but happy to have moved on.
Julie Ramsay said…
Is that a man or a woman? ha ha. Thanks for the laugh :)
Blondie said…
My dad's favorite Kate jab:
"Hair, where are you taking that girl?!"
Lisa said…
I seem to remember you as the cool girl with awesome eyeliner and sort of dressed like the Cure or something like that. Cool Kate who stole popcicles for us at girls camp!!!

That picture is amazing.
mindy said…
Amazing. I love the picture---it's hilarious that your brother found it! I hope when I'm 80 I will remember who I am:)
Scott-n-Allison said…
PLEASE tell me that you never had a mullet!

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