Still Working

It is sad to say that I seem to get more done when I am not on the internet.  I just get sucked in to facebook and blogging. What am I working on?  Yes, I am still trying to get organized.  I can't seem to get the stuff I don't want out of my house. It just stays in bags.  Sigh.   I am thinking of a possibly cultural no-no. I thinking of selling my wedding dress. I have great pictures of it.  It is not the right color, ivory, for my daughters.  It will not fit them as they get bigger.  They both seem to headed for a height much more than mine. I don't wear it anymore.  How taboo is that? And do I care?  It just sits there.

I'm getting rid of my menus feature.  Originally, I put it there for my sisters.  However, I don't think it is helping anyone.  I thought I might change a menu to a list of acts of kindness I see in strangers.  That might be a positive note.


mindy said…
I really like your "Kind People" section---it's like a breath of fresh air!" And I don't see anything wrong with selling your wedding dress. I got rid of mine because I knew none of my daughters would ever want to wear it. Most of all I didn't want to end up feeling bitter or resentful because I'd kept it all that time and then none of wanted to wear it!
L said…
Obviously you didn't wear your mother's dress so why not sell it and let your girls choose their own? Post a picture of it on your blog, I'd love to see.
Anonymous said…
Hey Kate- Love the kind people addition. Wish I was close to an Ikea! Instead of posting menus, how about a great easy recipe now and again? I could use some new ideas. As for the wedding dress dilemma, I think it is fine to sell it. Some other bride will be thrilled to wear your dress. It is beautiful! I am keeping mine for the only reason of dress up for my kids. I am sure I could only sell it for like 20 bucks, it was no where near as wonderful as yours even new. I am thinking it will make a fab Bride of Frankenstein someday for one of my kids.
Katydid said…
So, tempted to get the glamor shots in my old dress! Ha!
Erin said…
I have heard of dying or changing hems on dresses to make them wearable for something else.
ruth said…
my mother just cut up her dress and made barbie dresses out of it for the grandgirls. I really liked that. soemthing useful. if i were into all that and hadn't rented my dress I would make maybe a little quilt square or doll dress. but yours sounds amazing, I'd sell it. Random story: in college all us roommates visited a friend and we all tried on her mother's wedding dress. it was wild because none of us fit into it and her mom was a rather large lady. weird to think she used to be that small.
Scott-n-Allison said…
My girlfriend cut her wedding dress to make a baptism dress for her daughter. She said it turned out great, and they both got to wear it for a special occasion. Mine has sat in a box for almost 13years, and yet I can't give it up...and it takes up WAY too much closet space!

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