What a man
I got my eyebrows plucked a few days ago. She was the master hair remover. She told me she speaks Persian. Suddenly, out of the corner of my eye, she pulled out this string thing between her fingers and started removing my hair. I have read about this method before. I have read about it in books about Iran and Iraq. Wow! I did not think something was more painful than waxing. It kind of felt like a mix between a rug burn and a sticky rubber band. The one wax rip is worse. It was the tedious movement of the string that makes you want to cry "Oy enough of the rub already!" Just to make conversation, I asked her if she did men. Well, P. does get a monobrow sometimes. She said, "oh just the eyebrows. I do not do bikini or Brazilian." Um, wait, what?!!! What person thinks that looks good on a man? Or more to the point, does she use that string technique?