This I believe

NPR has this cool segment in which people write an essay regarding a strong belief of theirs.  Well, I'm neither an English major nor strong writer. However, my essay would start woefully predictably like this:
I believe in marathons. Yes, this cliche, grueling sporting event still evokes the strongest of emotions in me.  It is not a race I would recommend for everyone to try.  Nevertheless, each person can benefit from it in different ways.   One can stand and watch lithe runners string together twenty-six 4:48 miles.  Yup, you read that right.  You stand right on the street and not even hear them run by you. They seem more gazelle than struggling human.  I will never attain that kind of grace.  I love seeing it manifest in others.  

On the other side, one can sit hours after the laurels have been distributed and watch moments of deeply personal triumph. I have watched people slowly cross the line with cheering friends and family.  Their faces show power gained in the battle over fatigue and doubt.  It is usually a finish mixed with blood and tears.  I find these moments intimate.   Their bodies/countenances register goals they have achieved.  Many times there is a story of life-change, illness, obesity or other serious struggles.  I find these runners the most beautiful.  I find that observing these races increases my desire to find the "better" in myself.  


Carolyn said…
Inspiring. Maybe I will work my out-of-shape body up to running the 5K with you and the other cousins on July 4th.

I love listening to the "This I Believe" essays on NPR. If I wrote one this week, mine would start "I believe in steam showers, for cleansing both the body and soul."

Here's a link to one of my favorite "This I Believe" essays:

Or you can just Google "Coolness to the piza delivery dude" and it will come up.
Katydid said…
I have heard this one, love it. Just checked out a compilation of essays from the library. However, upon reading it is from famous people. I was looking for just the ordinary joe (ette) type essays.

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