Modern Heroes

Many of you know that IJ was in a Special Ed program for communication delays. He tested out of the program last year. Each day when we chat, I consider our lives to be very blessed. I still was concerned regarding his progress, so I enrolled him in a peer pre-school program with children having developmental delays. These last few years I have watched amazing special education teachers deal with children who scream, require wheel chairs, have break-downs, require oxygen, you name it. I have seen worn-out parents looking for some sanity,  learn coping tools. I have seen these teachers tenderly lift small children into wagons while giving parents the confidence and belief that they will make it. They perform miracles each day. If you have never been, go to a developmental center and thank someone today.


Mary Morris said…
I agree that those kind of special ed teachers are real heroes. So many people have no clue about how hard that job is, how underpaid it is, you name it.

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