Encounters of the Ex-Kind

Last weekend I ran the half-marathon.  If one takes off the seven minutes I lost looking for a race course bathroom break, I did well.  I was pretty happy to be in the sunshine with my cute hubbie and kiddos.  However, I turned a corner and there he was....the only break-up that did not go well.  This boyfriend took  me quite a while to get over.  We talked for a while. I learned we have the same number of kids and he seems to enjoy his profession.  He asked me where I was right now.  Instead of just stating my location, I had to explain how fabulous my husband was at his job. Thus, we had received numerous job offers before we decided to be where we currently live.  Was the additional explanation of my talented husband really necessary?  Me-thinks I smell a defensive ex-girlfriend. 

When I saw his sister, she told me I looked the same more than ten years later.  I replied, "Well, now I have a Masters and three kids." Did I have to say that?  Why couldn't I have been self-deprecating?  I could have replied with a good-natured chuckled, "Oh, now I'm a little crazy with gray hairs and stretch marks."   Wouldn't that have been funny?  Wouldn't that had been more human? Later I thought, "Oh my, how his sisters will chuckle over that sad encounter." But, they are terrific and it probably won't happen. The funny thing is, it was really nice to see him. He met all my kids.  He is still the same really kind guy.  I still think my husband is fantastic.  I just need to be a little more grown-up in these situations. 


Jason said…
So you already blogged it! I laughed out loud, this is my favorite blog yet. To know all the behind details, you totally wrote a funny, laugh at yourself entry. Hopefully Chips family are cyberspys also and they will read it and laugh!
Mary Morris said…
So, if it makes you feel any better, I think I'm too self-deprecating and should brag a little more! Ha.
Julie said…
Ok Kate I had to laugh while reading this! You are so real in your expressions. You are so much better off with Paul. He is totally so much sexier than Chip!

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