
Showing posts from January, 2008

The Ugly Things We Do

You know those ugly things we do? Alone, when no one is watching?  Come on admit it, a pick or a scratch.  Maybe you smell your belly button lint or you take pleasure in popping a zit.  Whatever it is, it is what makes us human and vulnerable.   You really don't want anyone to know about it. But, you still do it.  I know it took several months of marriage before I was generally comfortable with my husband being with the REAL me.  The transition was necessary and funny.  However, I still kept a few tricks up my sleeve.  If some of you read this and wonder about the multiplicity of my bad habits, consider yourself more evolved than I am.  My husband saw me doing something I would prefer only the videos in heaven see. Well, I am stunned by his compassion and love.  He wasn't phased by it.   I didn't know he loved me that much.   I guess love is a miracle worker.  But, I guess I have some evolving to do.  

I've been tagged....multiple times

Two lovely people have tagged me. I didn't know one could get busted multiple times. Because one is my sister, I really have no new random facts to share besides her list. Anyhoo: 1. I still think I haven't found the sport that will perfectly mesh with me and land me in the Olympics. (ideas anyone?) 2. Although I would like to think of myself as a great intellect, the kind with radical ideas and who attend liberal universities, I'm not. My grades were not great and my grammar is lacking. I don't like Opera. I can't seem to read poetry for enjoyment and I really like People magazine. 3. I dream of climbing Mount Everest. However, I am afraid of heights and get cold easily. 4. I still adore reading a book in one delicious sitting. I have 3 kids, it's more of a fantasy really. But, I adore the concept of lying in bed and reading until 3 am. I do it once a year and generally regret it the next day. 5. I am a "boob-man". I would get them if ...

To Fun

Slowly, as the years go, you don't notice that you have started quoting your mother or complain about taxes. But then, it hits you, " I am getting old". I went walking with my sister a few days ago and we slid in the snow. I decided to roll around like a dog and just get snowy. You know what my face looked like? Yeah, a BIG smile. And my mouth just laughed. I love New Year's Resolutions. I need to have more fun. I need to have more fun with my husband, my kids and myself. When I think of some more laugh-out-loud fun, I will share it. Maybe this will be the Year of the Fun .

Wow! Where are we going?

It may be pms right now, but I have cried over the current political coverage. It was actually the good kind. You know, like Hillary. I was folding laundry and watched as Obama got up and hugged his wife and kids. I was riveted by the picture. I felt full of hope watching him. You can respond with all of the nay-saying you want. But, give me a chance. When have you seen such an open, dynamic race? One can believe the dream. Folks, we have: a woman, a Mormon, an African-American, an Italian whose father was in the mob, a POW semi-independent voter, a preacher and short man married to a hot, much taller woman. Get out and get excited.

My Momma DIDN'T say there would be days like this...

As a young child, I didn't see myself becoming more and more like my mom. She never warned me there would be days like that. You know how it is, you sit around and tease your mom for what she says or does. (Well, unless you are sensitive and kind; which I am not.) But then, life slaps with the reality of who you really are! My 3-year-old wouldn't go outside in the cold. I found this lazy and boring. I couldn't convince him until I realized had the power of Mom in me. I simply told him we are going outside. "Get your gloves and boots on!" What power I felt. When he questioned, I responded, "Because, I said so." I evoke that phrase often and then mentally shake my fist at the heavens for the transformation in my life. As a teenager, I thought my mom was nuts to get up so early. Sleep was my God and mom was NOT a believer. She used to get up at some crazy hour of 5 am to study, exercise and have personal time. I never got it. A few weeks...