Moving experiences and questions

What about our new move? So, far I have been charmed by the changes. Each time I go running, I try a different route and enjoy the gardens and unique houses. The restaurants are yummy. We went here the other night and I have all sorts of ideas for my next outing. We have a charming local bookstore where we can browse and chat. There is a different flavor to this place than our previous neighborhood. I think it funny that you can move within the same larger geographic location and still feel changes. For example, our next door neighbor's dog is called Gustav. Another dog up the street is named after a composer. A girl my daughter's age is named from Greek mythology. Instead of driving, many take the bus or bike to work. I like the idea of community I feel on my street. We had a fourth of July block party--I hadn't seen block parties since I was a kid.

Along with the sense of community, one does pay a price for it. My usual wandering around in the buff looking for clean clothes can sometimes be an oops when I'm feet away from the next door. I can hear my neighbor make his breakfast or sneeze. Obviously, if I shut my windows it would be quieter. I do love sleeping with open windows in the summer. I haven't been able to do that for years. However, tight quarters could really get to a person. I don't love it always. Yet, I tell myself that it just requires me to be more sensitive to others.

This move has caused me to reflect on how I "present' myself. When one moves, it gives one the opportunity for a reset--sort of. I choose how people get to know me. Once in a while, I have found myself fatigued by the early get to know you chat. I just want to get to this what it REALLY is. Sometimes my attitude on this has surprised me. Instead of wanting to be super open and friendly, I just want to be straight up ugly--the real person I am. I wonder if this is the first sign of a aging. It's not that I'm pretending but everyone knows you don't dump all the honest right away or do you? Other times, I feel like just hiding out and not trying to make new friends. I want to observe a bit. All of this has surprised me. I used to be very outgoing and I very much doubt myself now. I'm not sure if it is mothering, getting older/tireder, or my past experiences that make me hesitant. But, I do hope to figure it out so I can learn again.


Carolyn said…
Maybe moving to a new town or a new job for a grown up is equivalent to moving to a new school for a kid. You do have an opportunity to start out fresh. You talk about how you used to be very outgoing but find yourself lately feeling like hiding out. I have always been very NOT outgoing, but find myself now in new situations at work where I pretend I am outgoing and thus I become so. It is a bit startling to find out that as an over-40 person we don't have to behave according to our own stereotypes of ourselves. I wish you luck as you get adjusted to your new situation (inside and outside your house).
Jen said…
Hi my friend. I miss you! I so relate to this post. I can see exactly how you feel. The new digs sound interesting, good, hard in some ways...hearing your neighbor make his breakfast? amazing restaurants and they balance out? Probably most days. It is interesting to me the unexpected things about growing older/wiser I hope. There is much more at stake now, you have lots of time to make friends and less of yourself to go around. Are your kids making friends? I am wondering if they are missing their old ones. Call me and lets catch up. I may just name my next pet Gustav... xo
Katydid said…
Thanks Carolyn, Jen come running with me here sometime!

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