Top Ten Europe Experiences

1. I wiped my little boys face with my spit finger--yes it is gross and you all do it. A French man, on the train, kindly offered a baby wipe. (What kind of mother wipes a kid's face with her spit?!! Sacre Bleu! What an American Faux Pas.)

2. While in Italy, we wore our enormous REI sun hats. Yes, we looked ridiculous-but I like my skin the way it is. A Russian staying in our B&B smiled and replied, "love your sombreros."

3. Our youngest, chubby, blonde toddler became a sort of phenomenon. Indian tourists took pictures of him instead of the site. While on the train, a family moved closer and proceeded to pinch his cheeks (gently) and rub his hair and face. Good luck?

4. While in Italy, I did as the Romans do, I used a bidet...which they probably didn't do. After a hot day of wandering, a bidet is the thing to do.

5. My intense little four-year-old, who gets overwhelmed by change and new experiences blocked the entire escalator by spreading her arms/legs out while standing at the top. She wouldn't go a step farther. She had enough. I'm sure all the people waiting to get through customs didn't mind at all.

6. Other cultures do things differently. Or maybe I should say, tourists can get a little pushy. I normally like to keep my distance. But, more than once I realized we all didn't line up like proper Anglo-Saxons (ha). I finally had to push my bum out a bit and push forward.

7. After a while, it became de rigueur to yell "O-lee-ve-air (Oliver) or Gabrrrreeelll (Gabrielle), it was too hard not to while in Paris.

8. Paul lamented the fact we never said "Do as the Romans do while in Rome." I said we were more cultured than that. It did not soothe him.

9. Many things were push where I was used to pull or vice-a-versa. This happened in trains, bathrooms, stores etc. When we returned home, late at night, I couldn't open my own bedroom door for quite a while because I was now switched.

10. Oh and yes Americans still yell in English and Paul couldn't find sexy Italian shoes because his feet are too big.


Carolyn said…
Love this list. And love YOU! Makes me miss all those lists we would write to each other in those long ponderous letters of our youth.
mindy said…
It sounds like a great trip! My hat off to you for doing it with the whole family!

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