Forgive me oh beings of financial fitness, I have sinned. I lost a $10 dollar rebate check this week. It makes my .30 coupon I used for yogurt fade. I still have two wedding gift cards I was supposed to give a YEAR ago. I have two birthday checks on my desk which should have been cashed over a month ago. It shows such a total lack of respect for the great need that surrounds me. I really don't want to know how much money and pain I have created for myself over the years. The blogosphere is full of self-revelation I know. This is more of a call to change or a plea for help. How did I read those five books last month?.....Well, that should be obvious. Life and motherhood are about choices.


Anonymous said…
no help with the being responsible and diligent stuff...but please share what you have read lately! xo
Scott-n-Allison said…
Money, matter how hard I try I'm always wasting it here or being careless with it there. My eternal thorn...
L said…
This is completely unrelated to your post, but have you read "The Help"? Good stuff. I think you'd like it.
Lisa H
Katydid said…
Yes, I read at my mother's during Christmas. I did enjoy it.
moma sneddon said…
Is one of those checks your birthday gift from me? I could cancel it:) mom

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