We did it!

We have been enjoying our summer. Sort of. I must confess to really being stunned by how little I get done. I had visions of my summer being like this: house project day, yard work day, field trip day, library day, craft time and laundry day. Instead, I sort of find myself coping and driving kids in the car to some class. I unloaded laundry only to see my son chewing on my flip-flop. Did I stop him? Nope, he was happy and I was behind. My house kind of sits in a state like this:

I wish I could better show the stacks of crap which sit around my house.

We did go to Nebraska. My lovely sister joined me in Cheyenne for the adventure. As we came over the horizon, I clapped with glee when I saw the water towers, green fields and grain elevators. I had forgotten what this place had looked like.The kids saw my old house, high school, cross-country running roads, elementary school and some of my favorite places. My son sat crammed in between seats and luggage. The kids were patient and fought as much as their general age requires. The trip was more for me. How great it was to do it with a sister. We just became so excited by all the beauty that is Nebraska. I realized it is a magical place because it was where I felt loved and safe. After the trip, I felt even stronger one should take what is instead of waiting for life to happen. My husband will travel more and I will try to make it a party event for the rest of us.


Mary Morris said…
So what will your next adventure be? I think it's good to have fun with the kids while the husbands are away--sometimes I feel sorry for them. We speak so much of the drudgery part of mom life, but being an at-home mom should absolutely have lots of fun involved!
Michelle S.J. said…
Yeah! So glad you did it.
Anonymous said…
We drove through Lincoln on our grand adventure west and I was thinking of you! Yeah for being brave and adventurous! I love your thoughts about acceptance coupled with enjoying all life has to offer. I have felt the same way lately. So much to do and experience.

My house has been a wreck all summer too. Oh well. Your family is blessed to have you as a mother. xo Jen
moma sneddon said…
I'm so late commenting that it probably won't be read. Nebraska for you is a "magical place...felt loved" , just like Provo was to me in the Fifties. Provo of that era is gone, totally gone, but I still have warm memories of my childhood home where now the BYU Fieldhouse stands.

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