I gotta fight for my right to NAAAAGGGGGG!

We were driving along listening to the great song "(You gotta) fight for your right (to party)!" I found myself talking back to radio like some crazy old lady. For example: "Living at home is such a drag." Me: Don't let the door hit you on the way out! You wake up late for school and you don't wanna go....you gotta fight for your right to Paaaaaarty! Me: Yup. Good luck with that job you're going to get so you can party hard! I'm just waiting for the time I kick kids off my lawn and yell "lousy kids!" I remember sweaty days of dancing to loud music thinking I was so anti-establishment. I'd yell out lyrics while dancing thinking I was an edgy "waver"---cue safety pins, black t-shirts and over-sized trench coat. Suddenly you're an old fart talking back to the radio.


Anonymous said…
Hahahahahah!!!! Sophie has a kids' version 80's rock CD. One of the songs is We're Not Gonna Take it. I have trained her to skip that one and so far she obediently does! I think it is funny and wonder how long it will last...xo

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