Seven weeks

I have been out of the game for a while. I confess that having a lot of small children just keeps me out of the loop. Yet, others seem to blog, twitter and do what not with their young. Eventually, I played with the idea of shutting down my blog because I wanted to be more present with my children. My blog is not a job. However, for the moment, it still provides an outlet for me.
Seven weeks ago, I had a new baby, some may want to hear the short story. It is good for me to record it. I have had a lot of drama at birth with NICU. This time, I wanted a peaceful event. I read all sorts of birthing books including several that were Hypno-birthing. I wanted to sit in blessed silence and "breathe" my baby down the canal. However, I knew I would not sit in the midst of singing/guitar playing women or keep my placenta for the freezer. I do draw the line between natural and funky.
Late, the night I was due, I had my daughter paint my toenails, packed my bag and took a shower. Because I was in denial about early labor, I went to read a book. Trying to balance denial and reality, I covered my head in pillows and tried to sleep. Later, my husband questioned if I were in labor, I told him, "50-50." I had known for two hours I was in labor. I just hate midnight deliveries. Twenty minutes later, he exclaimed "I can hear you breathing!" (My relaxation technique.) I mumbled I was heading to the couch to relax. In my head, I thought "No midnight babies! I will just force my body to relax until morning." Five minutes later, my water broke just like the movies. I had always been curious how that felt. "Dude, I think we need to get to the hospital."
We calmly drove to the hospital, met the midwife and started the work. I paced the room like a wild animal, not sure how I wanted to do it this time. As usual, my delivery was active and loud. I kept apologizing to the midwife for being so ear-piercingly vocal. She told me my method seemed more natural. I would love to say it was beautiful and we wept for the miracle of it all. Instead, I screamed, sweated and whimpered a bit. However, we did it! Our fourth was born healthy and strong!
The next morning, I wondered why my throat was sore, but I had a cute, hairy baby there to remind me. If I give birth again, it will be to a monkey. I did not know babies could have hair on the front of their thighs. Clearly, he is mine. More revealing to me, was how calm I felt. This was the miracle birth I wanted. Weeks later, it made cry to reflect upon our blessings.


mindy said…
What a beautiful baby and beautiful story on how he arrived! Thanks for sharing.
Anonymous said…
Please don't stop blogging! Even if your entries become few and far apart. I love to read your take on our world. Thanks for sharing the story Oliver's birth. He is beautiful!
Lisa said…
Congratulations! I love how honest you are in what you want and what it was like. It's touching and real, which makes the account sound so special. I love it! And your children are GORGEOUS!
M+J=K3+E said…
He is such a handsome little boy. Glad this birth was without the awful events surrounding your other kids!! P.S. Don't stop blogging, you give me my laughs all the time!!

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