Dear BYU

I got a letter today from BYU looking for donations. It asked me a set of questions which should evoke memories of my college days.

Dear Mrs B. (Don't they know I have never gone by Mrs and that I hyphenate?)

Do I remember?

Eating in the Wilk? No, I usually gulped down sandwiches from the machine in the math building. (tuna fish no less!)

Studying in the Lee? Yes, for hours. (My favorite was the loud music they played at midnight.)

Praying in the Testing Center? No, maybe muttering/mumbling to myself about a super-hard test a professor created or quietly laughing because it was hopeless.

Dancing in the ballroom? Nope, being that I am most uncoordinated---I feared I would always dance with just other women or continue my amazing abilities at guarding the wall during dances.

Jogging around the track? Yes, in winter.

Brick Oven? I think five buck pizza or Taco Bell at 1 am was more on my wallet.

"Come, Come, Ye Saints" on the carillon bells? Yes, always made me laugh because I would think, "yep, we must be at BYU".

They did not include my favorite campus memory, trying to be still during the anthem. I can remember how everyone stopped to put their hands on their heart. If I were running late for something; booger now I have to stand still. Sometimes, when I had a deadline with a professor, I would try to move in a patriotic fashion--I always felt guilty.


Scott-n-Allison said…
I love's one of the happiest places on earth. Did you get a perky BYU co-ed calling you before the donation envelope came in the mail? I always enjoy their chatty babbling as they talk me into a donation.
Joanna said…
I think I perfected the sideways-walk-while-looking-forward-so-no-one-knows-I-am-moving-during-the-National-Anthem. :)

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