Doth evil lurk?

My son hid himself in the blankets of our bed yesterday. He shouted out, "Mom, Dad come I'm lost, come find me!" I whispered, "If I were a sibling I would pop him on the head and say, 'looks like I found you.' "
My husband looked at me with puzzlement, " I wouldn't have done that. I don't think my siblings would have done that. What kind of family did you come from?" I gave him a deer in head lights stare-- hmmmm, I thought: a pack of hyenas, blame the brothers, lack of supervision in the home, is he serious, am I just cruel, what for the love is the right answer here? I never did answer the question. He could have been dead on fooling me. Or, he could be right, what kind of family did I come from? Or, worse, do I just have spontaneous evil that springs from the dark recesses of my heart?...........still waiting, guess I just don't have an answer.


M+J=K3+E said…
Seriously we are evil in my family. We laugh at all sorts of things like people running into things or falling down. We must have a sick sense of humor at the Oldham household!! Come join in our humor, you won't be disappointed!
April said…
It makes me feel guilty about shat kind of family I am raising. They are always calling eachother out on wanting attention. I actually love it. Maybe they get it from me.
Julie Ramsay said…
You came from the same kind of family as mine...
Anonymous said…
Kate you crack me up!!!
mindy said…
there was an awful lot of head bonking, biting and broom chasing that went on when we were growing up...but look, we turned out okay:)
Scott-n-Allison said…
You came from the same kind of family as mine...and everyone else that has left a comment.

That means your husband's family is just plain wierd. :)
Erin said…
Your husband's family is plain weird. Mostly Paul just doesn't remember the things like that.
moma sneddon said…
Comment on your "lack of supervision in the home", well good old David told me that was a problem. Looking back, I realize he is correct. Oh well, the plan of life is to try and improve each day:)
Lisa said…
I don't know. . . the Sneddon's raised a great family, so that couldn't have been it. . . and my brother used to use our own hands to hit ourselves in the face, taunting us by yelling "Why are you hitting yourself?" over and over. I'm with the other commenters: question Paul's family.

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