Love shack, er, love sac

We have seen the strange phenomena of trucks, yes only trucks, with low hanging double-sided sacs. Is this compensation? Is this local culture? Could someone please explain this to me. I don't think I get it. I just know I'm guilty of judgement--which I find hard to stop. I want to sing out "really, is there such a thing as stereotypes?" My children encountered their first "love sac" this week. My oldest daughter wondered what it was. My son, who knows his own equipment, smiled with recognition. My youngest turned to me and said it is a bum. Well, sheesh, thank-you mister, for providing necessary anatomy discussion. See, I was giving in to stereotypes. It could have been a middle-aged, career woman getting a kick from baffling people. Yeah, right.


Anonymous said…
Ha! What a hoot. I am imagining the conversation in my car in that situation. Did you just laugh? I have to say that I haven't seen any truck balls here in the rural south...yet.
Quinn said…
Could you post a picture? Having not paid much attention during my infrequent visits to the western US, perhaps I have missed this phenomenon altogether and given that we don't do trucks here much in Germany - I cannot conjure up a picture of what in the world you are talking about here. lol
Mary Morris said…
I totally know what you are talking about. Luke pointed out some to me, and I'm not sure I would have noticed/paid attention otherwise. I actually almost said something about them in your post about the dice... Kinda the same vein.
J-E said…
Look at your diligent sisters commenting. Aren't you proud? I haven't seen them on the East. Perhaps we are more refined... :) But I do remember them in Utah. Saying it is probably a male isn't a stereotype (not really). It's the TYPE of male that makes it a stereotype. And I think you know what type that is.

PS - Two sisters commenting on a post? Aren't you a lucky person!
Katydid said…
Should I include a picture? I almost did--but it still shocks me how crude they are!
Carolyn said…
Um... please do NOT include a picture. Perhaps email a picture privately to your friend, who will then immediately be glad you did not post a picture. I've never seen such a thing before (even though I live in a neighborhood full of 4x4s), and your word description was quite enough of a shock for me. Unbelievable that you have to encounter such a thing and have that discussion with your kids.

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