Delirious Dreams of a Fat Chick

I always have crazy dreams when I am pregnant.  Usually, they are paranoid twists of my normal reality.  Sometimes they are a venture in paranoia.  I had a dream that I had hairy man nipples. What, for the love, is Freud trying to tell me?


mindy said…
What's wrong with hairy man nipples? I happen to find them very sexy:) At least you woke up and were only dreaming...
Scott-n-Allison said…
Are you having a boy? It could be all the testosterone.

I have a girlfriend whose daughter would try to nurse her doll during Sacrament Mtg. She wasn't discreet, though, and would pull up her dress. Her dad asked if he could show her how to do it more privately. She yelled out in Sacrament Mtg. that he could NOT nurse her baby because of his hairy nipples. Nothing like a vivid picture of that right during the Sacrament.
April said…
I didn't know you were pregnant (until now reading all your summer blogs) Congratulations! I have crazy dreams during pregnancy too but they seem to be more on the line of me starting in strange porno movies. Then I wake up frustrated and tired!
mak-daddy said…
i think your body is telling you that in the near future, with all these wonderful hormones rolling around now,you'll have enlarged, hair nipples. see what you get to look forward to!!?!?

oh...BTW this is really TMI...i could have done without that picture of my younger sis.
Katydid said…
Sheesh, just you wait maybe I will post a nudie/preggy picture of myself! Be warned.
Quinn said…
Ohhh my gosh! I laughed hard with tears running down my face at your blog Kate and then especially thanks to Scott-n-Allison for that addition. Congats on being prego - haven't been looking or blogging much for awhile, so missed that one.
Joanna said…
Can I just say that I miss you?

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