
Showing posts from April, 2008

Encounters of the Ex-Kind

Last weekend I ran the half-marathon.  If one takes off the seven minutes I lost looking for a race course bathroom break, I did well.  I was pretty happy to be in the sunshine with my cute hubbie and kiddos.  However, I turned a corner and there he was....the only break-up that did not go well.  This boyfriend took  me quite a while to get over.  We talked for a while. I learned we have the same number of kids and he seems to enjoy his profession.  He asked me where I was right now.  Instead of just stating my location, I had to explain how fabulous my husband was at his job. Thus, we had received numerous job offers before we decided to be where we currently live.  Was the additional explanation of my talented husband really necessary?  Me-thinks I smell a defensive ex-girlfriend.  When I saw his sister, she told me I looked the same more than ten years later.  I replied, "Well, now I have a Masters and three kids." Did I have  to say that?  Why couldn't I have been sel...

This I believe

NPR has this cool segment in which people write an essay regarding a strong belief of theirs.  Well, I'm neither an English major nor strong writer. However, my essay would start woefully predictably like this: I believe in marathons . Yes, this cliche, grueling sporting event still evokes the strongest of emotions in me.  It is not a race I would recommend for everyone to try.  Nevertheless, each person can benefit from it in different ways.   One can stand and watch lithe runners string together twenty-six 4:48 miles.  Yup, you read that right.  You stand right on the street and not even hear them run by you. They seem more gazelle than struggling human.  I will never attain that kind of grace.  I love seeing it manifest in others.   On the other side, one can sit hours after the laurels have been distributed and watch moments of deeply personal triumph. I have watched people slowly cross the line with cheering friends and family.  Their faces show power gained in the battle ove...

Modern Heroes

Many of you know that IJ was in a Special Ed program for communication delays. He tested out of the program last year. Each day when we chat, I consider our lives to be very blessed. I still was concerned regarding his progress, so I enrolled him in a peer pre-school program with children having developmental delays. These last few years I have watched amazing special education teachers deal with children who scream, require wheel chairs, have break-downs, require oxygen, you name it. I have seen worn-out parents looking for some sanity,  learn coping tools. I have seen these teachers tenderly lift small children into wagons while giving parents the confidence and belief that they will make it. They perform miracles each day. If you have never been, go to a developmental center and thank someone today.