How the facts of life can ruin your self-esteem
I had been getting a sense it was time for the THE TALK with my daughter. I wanted it to be super natural and normal. So, we cozied up on the outside couch and I just went straight to it. I presented it as a simple science update. Yet, I tried to keep it basic. First question, "Ugg, does the man pee on you?" Me, "No, unless you think that is awesome!" Just kidding... I just explained a few more details. She was disheartened by the fact her body will change. She likes it the way it is. This launched me into my lecture of we are all changing ALL the time and we can't stop it. I wanted her to not feel alone. So, it trickled to the everyones' body changes constantly why didn't anyone warn me talk. The puberty, growing, adult, pregnant, after-pregnant and getting older changes were listed. Suddenly, my oldest became animated. You mean that is why your eye-balls are going into your sockets? That is why your cheeks look sharp and bony? And that is why my face is still soft and curvy, because I'm young and beautiful? Really? How did the train jump the track like that? Where did I go from umm, sweetie this is how you were made to umm mom you are the crypt keeper! It wasn't what I expected. But, I was glad to get the info in before someone on the playground did. I'm sure I will have to have rounds 2 and 3 regarding this same topic. Just wondering what wonderful segues my daughter will make.