Does it get better?

I loved school when I was young. I would lay out my clothes the night before the first day and waited for the sun. Admittedly, it may have been excitement to wear new clothes. But, I really do love school. As I pursued my masters, I discovered such rich/innovative teaching for topics in math and reading. I couldn't wait for my daughter to come home with stories of joyful learning, growth and accomplishment. She is bright with a bubbly sense of humor. I imagined all the journeys she would take and I became thrilled for her. She is now in 5th grade. Together we have killed a forest with all of her worksheets. She rarely has learning centers or process driven experiences. She rarely discusses or learns about the joy of learning. Instead, she takes tests, fills out mind-numbing worksheets and gets percentage points stamped on her homework. She continues to try because she trusts me. I tell her school is awesome, but her favorite time is lunch. She cries over her math. We read books together and talk about them. I can only remember one topic where she conversed joyfully about her topic. She had learned about weather patterns. When clouds would cover the horizon, she would interpret them for us. What fun it was to hear her positive analysis. I have gone from sad/hopeful to sometimes enraged. She has just one more year in elementary school. We all know that middle school is a dearth of learning and a social torture chamber. We deserve better. Our children deserve better. I worry about my upcoming meeting with her fifth grade teacher. I'm afraid I have studied the core standards too much. I'm concerned that all of my dashed hopes will crash on this woman's head. I just want a year like I imagined. Is that too much to ask for the future? A funny last note on this story. I wrote in my daughter's planner to try and volunteer. The teacher WROTE OVER a messy word of mine (in red pencil no less) as if to correct it! Funny or just really bugged me. When I tried to volunteer and bring my youngest she said, " Do you really think that is a good idea ?" If you hear me quote it, I sound snottier than she intended.


Julie Ramsay said…
I think it depends a lot on the teacher... my favourite subject was PE and I also loved lunch. I think she'll still like it in the future.
Jen said…
So sorry! I know you had such high hopes for the new school. Poor Jam...I will send some prayers her way. FYI I would be totally bugged if a teacher corrected my sloppy handwriting!!!!! What in the world is that!!!!!!
Katie said…
My kids both loved middle school more than elementary! There is hope:)
Katydid said…
Well, I hope that is the case for us! Katie. I did meet with the teacher and worked an agreement. So, I feel much better about that.

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