I'm too sexy it ......

We all have body issues. I say that last sentence with confidence because we are all are presented computerized images telling us otherwise. Your issue may be large thighs, short legs or a super curvy behind. My present problem has been a doughy stomach which likes to spill over the tops of things. Yes, I know I'm not that big or over-weight. However, I don't know who to blame here. It is either being over-40 or having that fourth-kid-while- older-so-my-skin-forgot-to-stretch-back that has caused my present state. My stomach just likes to hang a bit over and look like a mini-sausage. Really, the problem is solved with clever attention getting belts and cozy sweaters. Tighter t-shirts? Meh--not so much. Yes, I could wear a looser t-shirt, but that would obscure my other diminutive assets which reside above. It is always a choice of which hides and which shines. Yet, shine may be a over-statement for me. However, I don't want to be defined by what society might think. I say this, knowing my rant mocks that idea. I try to fight it by thinking "so what". There is much more out there than the small concerns of one person.

In addition, I don't want my daughters picking up on these issues. So, I try to not focus on these concerns. Sometimes, these goals reveal themselves in unexpected ways. As a reward for cleaning the house, we took the kids swimming. While in the locker room, I had one of those moments where I just wanted to be who I was. I didn't run for the changing area. I just got into my clothes. As I struggled with my wet top, my body was in clear view if you cared for a peek. My tween daughter was impressed horrified by what I did. "You were naked right in front of those girls. This is so embarrassing. Why did you do that?" And the tirade went on. At one level, I was thoroughly amused by her chagrin. Actually, I loved the fact she was so mortified. I know her mental development is just where it should be. Later on, I thought, did she observe my lack of body issues and applaud me for it? .....nah it probably remains a blight on her psyche. Yet, I do intend to do stuff like that again. If only to embarrass her and remind her we all are just right as we are.


Anonymous said…
I think you are correct about women that we all have body issues. I don't think this is as true for men. This post made me laugh. Said daughter would have been just as embarrassed even if you looked like Demi Moore naked, who I am sure has had a t tuck. Rock on Kate!

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