How to fake it.

It may not be ethical to fake all things. But, faking you have it together can be a useful skill. For example, I have two very sick kids who have kept me from sleeping the past week. I am so brutally tired that my preferred activity is to sit in my bathrobe until noon and babble to myself. Normal activities are sliding to just surviving the day. I have been so exhausted and time confused, showering has been ignored. Hence, enter "faking it". I use a great smelling body spray, put on one of my hipper shirts and use bright lip shade. Presto! No one is aware the sink is full of dishes and that I could use a good dip in the bath. Because I have curly hair, I fake this with a number of bright headbands with ponytails. I like to think of this as evoking the glamor, or should I say glamour, of the sixties. If one is a tired man, I would recommend a bright tie, heavy cologne and the current messy hair look.


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