It's like this
A set of bits and bobs in my head: I feel like the last ten years of music has been abysmal. I know that one tends to think their era of music was the best. I do find eminem has powerful rage. I'm just not THERE anymore. However, I wondered if we couldn't find anything more creative than Nickelback. Really everything seems like a painful retread from the 90s. It was like a desert of creativity. I just found something that parched my thirst for more: . Who are they? (Mumford and Sons!) It was fun, energetic and DIFFERENT. I'm sure this group is not new for many of you. It was just joyful for me. It makes me want to hop. My hip has been injured and sore since September. I have not run since the start of fall. Some funny things: I weigh less and I am beginning to resent those who run. Instead of rejoicing for their ability and committment, I "grrr" in my heart. I have had a cortisone shot and physical therapy. It still aches...