Here's my number so come and chat with me
What's up with you? I haven't talked in this venue for a while. If you are reading this, how was your summer? I would love to sit on my porch and chat, drink limeade and eat some guacamole. We would talk about whatever as we watched the light in the trees. If you want I will make this for you when you come by my house. Anything awesome you did? We were too involved with dance and soccer at the start. At the end, I had to seize summer. So, we went swimming, hiking, fountain dancing, crafting and museuming (yeah that's a word). I have written things in my head, but I have yet to put much to paper. So, I will try to give a snap shot of now.
- I am able to run 7-8 miles. A joyful miracle.
- I tried running REALLY barefoot last week--not on grass. Blisters everywhere. Duh.
- I have re-experienced the joy of summer play. Adults need to do that more often. I call y'all to do mermaid in pool, bike at night, go down the slides and look at stars. Wonderful. Or go camp and make s'mores.
- I have been reading lots of trash--YA ridiculous. I don't always fess up to it on my goodreads profile. I like it pretty light in the summer.
- I do not believe anything helpful is said on FB regarding politics. However, people can be so asinine I want to get into it.
- I breathed Olympics for two weeks. Many of those days were at a family reunion. It was so fun yelling at the tv in a group. Sports can still make me cry.
- I have been doing a farm co-op. We may not be much healthier, but we have a lot of fruit flies for trying.
- My eleven-year-old thinks I dress lame, school sucks and church is boring. Yeah, did I mention she is 11 1/2? Most of the time, she is great. I am sensing a shift in age.
- Because of my daughter, I know all about One Direction, Rhianna and all sorts of candy for the ears. Yeah, call me maybe does make me dance. I'm totally over trying to just know obscure, super cool songs. It's all top-40 from here on out ;)
- I have been swearing more lately. Not sure why. I have been dusting off some oldies-but-goodies lately. So, I got to get that together.
- Our house is done in the basement. If that doesn't make you cheer, I need to do a photo re-cap. All of our permits have been taken care of. Jumping and cheering.
- Reading this, wow kind of shallow I think. I am telling the truth and not going to run from it.
Anyway, I miss you guys! I would suggest that you sit on your porch in Utah and I sit on my balcony in Alexandria and then we pretend that we were actually chatting. Except that after about 5 minutes I would have to abandon you due to the noise of the a/c unit that takes up half of the balcony drowning me out and then the choking that is inherent in using a balcony that is suspended directly above the balcony of a chain smoker. Ah, well! :)
It was good to feel like I at least caught up with some of your summer details!
PS - My facebook timeline is constantly having an inane political argument with itself in which nobody really engages each other, but everyone loves to post incendiary craziness from both extreme perspectives. Some days it gets to me, but then I just try to remind myself that I am lucky to have such a diverse group of friends and family members. :)