
Showing posts from March, 2012

Not a man nor hippy

I went to an exercise class which involved mats and balance balls.  I learned a few things.  We did all sorts of maneuvers on the ball.  Not only was it hard,  the act of balancing made me giggle.   I felt so released to just concentrate on trying to stay on the ball in the oddest of positions.  What fun!  I laughed out loud during some of the routines.  I wondered what other activities would cause me to laugh out loud. Maybe it isn't so hard to find that inner child.  Heaven knows we (I) could use a good giggle more often. After the class, I was hurrying to throw some clothes on so I could get my youngest ones.  The instructor popped out of the shower.  She was so chatty.  As she talked about the class and her personal life,  I was a few feet from her.  I looked at my shoes, looked at her eyes, the floor or my bag.  She showed no sign of discomfort or hurry.   This woman was middle-aged and obviously comf...