Homesick times seven
Do you remember that sick feeling when you really left home for the first time? For some of you, maybe leaving was wonderful, but for me, it made me so sad I got sick. My first few nights away at college, I could barely eat I missed my family so much. Today, during random moments, I have had vivid memories of my first months away from my family or horrible break-ups which are far in the past. It seemed strange to keep having those thoughts during an average day.When I started to do the dishes tonight, I looked over the backyards I share with my neighbor. I looked for the familiar blond heads playing on the swings/slide/basketball court we share. It was all quiet. Oh yeah, they moved today. We even helped them do it. Suddenly, it was all clear why my insides were as worked-up and twisted as when I was eighteen and missing my mom. That knotted feeling represents seven years of open doors, shared children and borrowed cooking ingredients. On the outside, you might not pair us...